Tag: Ice skating

Middle Aged and Fabulous D’Arcy 

100 Years of Wisdom

We hopped on a plane to go see my grandma ice skate in the desert. How many kids get to write that sentence? I got to blow off first grade for a week and fly to Reno, Nevada, with my mom and toddler brother to see my grandma and my aunt compete in the National […]

Beloved Community Mental Health D’Arcy 

No Such Thing as an Ice Princess

Some things look impossibly perfect till they shatter. For them, the magic broke in an instant. One moment, they were flying around, contorting their bodies into impossibly beautiful shapes. And then, the tiniest of collisions as their skates hit each other, and down they fell in a heap. They got back up and finished, leaving […]

Domestic Fails Middle Aged and Fabulous D’Arcy 

The Working Mom Olympics

Of course it was a man without children who said it. “You just need to get up a few minutes earlier. Then you’d be here on time.” He said this, to chronically-running-behind-to-this-entirely-optional-activity me, the way you might tell someone the sky is blue or that they need oxygen to breathe. Poof! Simple solution.  Except when […]