Tag: Working mom

Domestic Fails Middle Aged and Fabulous D’Arcy 

The Working Mom Olympics

Of course it was a man without children who said it. “You just need to get up a few minutes earlier. Then you’d be here on time.” He said this, to chronically-running-behind-to-this-entirely-optional-activity me, the way you might tell someone the sky is blue or that they need oxygen to breathe. Poof! Simple solution.  Except when […]

Domestic Fails Mental Health D’Arcy 

Breaking Up With Stuff is Hard To Do

Have you ever looked at your relatives’ style, then back at your own and been like, “Seriously genetics, whiskey tango foxtrot?” Myself, I’m a Frankenstein-ish combo of my design-loving mom and my raised-in-the-Depression-don’t-spend-a-dime-on-anything grandma, which is why I do nonsensical shit like carefully choose a birthday gift of a repainted vintage dresser and then fill […]