Driving to the doctor’s office the other day, I saw it – our old home away from home. The toy park. Our once beloved, now forgotten spot that my daughter and I visited at least once a week for years, whiling away hours pushing plastic lawn mowers, ducking in and out of playhouses and going […]
Tag: Working mom
Babies have the best propaganda machine in the world. Look at this: Who could resist this stuff? Who could resist THIS? Meet Willow! She is the darling baby of my wonderful friends. Also, she’s a star recruit on the baby propaganda squad. Every time I see this kid, she’s either sleeping angelically or making feather-soft […]
Of course it was a man without children who said it. “You just need to get up a few minutes earlier. Then you’d be here on time.” He said this, to chronically-running-behind-to-this-entirely-optional-activity me, the way you might tell someone the sky is blue or that they need oxygen to breathe. Poof! Simple solution. Except when […]
It’s a life choice that sneaks up on you, a strand at a time. Maybe it starts as a novelty – your first gray hair! Probably, you comb it back and forget about it. Probably, that works for years. You’re the only one who notices it, after all. Until you’re not. While my kiddo was […]
Have you ever looked at your relatives’ style, then back at your own and been like, “Seriously genetics, whiskey tango foxtrot?” Myself, I’m a Frankenstein-ish combo of my design-loving mom and my raised-in-the-Depression-don’t-spend-a-dime-on-anything grandma, which is why I do nonsensical shit like carefully choose a birthday gift of a repainted vintage dresser and then fill […]
I am not a trust-no-one, assume-all-risk-yourself DIY’er. I believe in the social safety net. I have lobbied to expand the social safety net. Never once did I think I would be the one to need the social safety net. That was before I got hog-tied by the pink slip goat rodeo and there I was, […]
“You’re part of the core team,” the boss declared that day over sushi rolls. “You, me, Jack and Joe. If everything takes a downturn, we’re the people that stay.” Seeing my startled face, he added, “I don’t see anything coming right now. But in my position, you have to think like that.” Cue to six […]