Tag: Parenting

Domestic Fails Middle Aged and Fabulous D’Arcy 

The Working Mom Olympics

Of course it was a man without children who said it. “You just need to get up a few minutes earlier. Then you’d be here on time.” He said this, to chronically-running-behind-to-this-entirely-optional-activity me, the way you might tell someone the sky is blue or that they need oxygen to breathe. Poof! Simple solution.  Except when […]

Domestic Fails D’Arcy 

Fun With Dead Things

A VHS recording of my husband on The Price is Right.  A 12-year-old unopened jar of apple butter. Pictures, pictures, pictures of me as a smiling 6 year old, a smirking 13 year old and with my arms wrapped around my friends in high school. They were all there waiting for me, in the storage […]